swiftymig v3.5 is ready now. you can enjoy autolike with 3.5 with better speed than before.

In old autolike system, likes were given by server. i used proxy IPs for autolike. mig used to ban those proxy IPs daily and i used to update the script with fresh proxies. I was busy last few weeks so i could not update the script that's why autolike was disabled.
Now likes are given directly by your mig33 client instead of server. it is better system as we don't need proxy IPs anymore. However this will consume more GPRS data so be careful.

....autolike is completely auto. just open settings page and put any interval above 3 in autolike interval.
...5 is recommended. 3 will give you votes little faster.

...i forgot to mention now autolike will also work for users below level10

...1 more thing, as new autolike system does not depend on server so it will work even server is down and mig33 team can never ban it Autolike at old swiftymigs will not work anymore. you must download swiftymig v3.5 to get like votes

EDIT: with new like system you should get 30 to 90 likes per hour...isnt it fast?
Download Links:
:Now it is safe to run swiftlike and autolike at the same time
Swift v3.5[jar]
Swift v3.5[jad]

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